We support the development of various devices that advance society and our lives with high value-added materials.
十大赌博娱乐平台供应细颗粒等产品, 密封剂和粘合剂, and tapes and films that have functions including conductivity and insulation, 热管理, 差距的形成, and 缓冲 and protection for use in various types of displays, 电气设备, 通信设备, 电路板, 和半导体.
- 功能性泡沫胶带
- 导电胶带
- 高清晰度双面胶带
- 缓冲材料
- 高附着力,防紫外线胶带
- 放热产品
- 各向异性导电浆料(Epowell AP)
- 间隙控制垫片(Micropearl SP, GS)
- 塑料芯导电颗粒(Micropearl AU)
- UV固化胶粘剂(Photolec)
- 均相微球合成
- High-precision control and of microsphere with less variation help to make liquid crystal displays(LCDs) higher definition and smaller.
- 微球表面功能化
- The metallic plating layer is formed uniformly on fine resin particles with uniform diameters. 除了, the hardness and elasticity of particles can be configured through the resin core design.
- 光敏材料
- We develop strong adhesives with high heat resistance using our unique photosensitive materials technologies. 除了 to UV curable adhesives which adhere in a certain period of time after being illuminated with ultraviolet rays, 十大赌博娱乐平台还有其他各种不同用途的产品, 如UV密封剂.
- 聚乙烯醇丁醛树脂
- 使用十大赌博娱乐平台独特的技术, we develop polyvinyl acetal resin products centered on polyvinyl butyral (PVB) resins suitable for various types of binders and primers.
- 环氧树脂
- We develop our own epoxy resins for use in adhesive applications requiring high heat resistance and reliability, 例如半导体和电子元件.
- 高粘接和易剥落材料
- This technology produces adhesives that have strong adhesive properties when in use, 但可以很容易地通过光或热等触发因素剥离.
- 胶料设计
- 采用十大赌博娱乐平台独特的粘合剂设计技术, we achieve the high transparency and reliable adhesion (heat and moisture resistant) required for display uses, 如光学薄膜和盖板.
- 高精度多层挤压
- 采用十大赌博娱乐平台的多层共挤生产方法, we reduce adhesive deposits and can apply adhesives on adherends without leaving stains. 使用各种基材和粘合剂, 它们可以应用于不同表面形式的光学薄膜, 如亚光表面和棱镜表面.
- 溅射沉积薄膜
- This is a technology for continuous deposition of inorganic performance films using high-precision sputters. 除透明导电膜外, 这项技术的使用也正在扩展到其他用途, 如热反射和电磁波屏蔽.
- 高性能塑料公司
- 高性能塑料公司核心网站
- 电子领域门户网站
- 电子领域产品一般信息
- 半导体相关材料门户网站
- Fine various materials of chips, substrates, as well as PCB and FPC manufcature process
- 精细化工
- LCD spacers, conductive fine particles, UV sealing agents, anisotropic conductive paste
- 器件材料部
- 双面胶带, 上映电影, 光掩膜保护膜, 光学保护膜,功能性泡沫胶带
- 特种化学品
- Butyral resin, heat-resistant vinyl chloride resin, functional particles
- LJ商务推广部
- 散热,LED
- 泡沫
- Ultra-thin high performance for IT(XLIM),泡沫 resin for electronic components
- Sekisui纳米涂层技术有限公司.有限公司.
- 纳米金属涂层技术
除了 to products such as interlayer film for laminated glass, 汽车内饰件用泡沫, 模制制品和胶带, we supply heat release materials and electromagnetic wave protection materials for electric and autonomous driving devices. We also provide interior and exterior parts for aircraft and drones, 碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)模具材料, 以及用于飞机内饰的热塑料板, 等.
- 电动汽车电池用放热材料
- 功能性泡沫胶带
- 高清晰度双面胶带
- 间隙控制垫片(Micropearl SP, GS)
- 塑料芯导电颗粒(Micropearl AU)
- 水密密封材料(EXSEAL)
- 汽车外饰件
- 夹层玻璃中间层膜(S-LEC膜)
- 隔音夹层膜
- 太阳能控制层间膜
- 隔音/太阳能控制夹层膜
- 平视显示器夹层膜
- 夹层玻璃中间层膜(S-LEC膜)
- 聚烯烃泡沫
- 产品 Manufactured with High-Magnification 泡沫 Molding Technology
- 低气味,低voc双面胶带
CFRP是一种碳纤维和树脂的复合材料. 由于它的重量轻,耐用, its use in fuselages is expected to reduce the amount of fuel required for flight, 以及二氧化碳的排放.
十大赌博娱乐平台正在全球范围内发展热塑性塑料片材业务, 主要在美国, 用作飞机和汽车的内饰材料, 先进医疗设备的外壳材料, and exterior materials for automobiles and construction machinery.
- 粘合剂复合设计(低VOC)
- Our adhesive technologies suppress VOC and smell to achieve less impact on both the environment and humans. We do not use any of the 13 substances designated by the Ministry of Health, 劳动和福利对人体有害.
- Themoexpandable微球
- Thermoexpandable微球, 有独立的气泡, have the excellent characteristic of being able to control the size of air bubbles through particle selection.
- 多层挤出
- This technology adds a variety of functions by using different materials to make multi-layer molded films.
- 高倍率发泡
- 这是一种高倍发泡技术, where ultra-thin polypropylene resin is injection molded and expands to more than twice its thickness by the gas pressure within the resin.
- 高性能塑料公司
- 高性能塑料公司核心网站
- 移动业务战略部
- 移动产品一般信息
- S-LEC电影
- 汽车夹层玻璃用夹层膜
- 泡沫
- 泡沫ing materials used for interior and exterior automotive components
- 功能磁带划分
- Double-faced tape for fixing of interior parts, and Low-smell and ultra low-VOC double-faced tape
- 特种化学品
- 功能树脂和颗粒,聚乙烯醇(PVA)树脂
- Sekisui polymatech公司.有限公司.
- Plastics, rubber and chemical products, and Heat Release 材料 for EV Batteries
- 关井航空公司
- Carbon Fiber-reinforced Composite Molded 产品 for Aircraft and Drones
- Sekisui kydex, LLC.
- 功能性塑料片材“KYDEX”® ”和“艾伦®"
十大赌博娱乐平台提供由尖端技术创造的产品, 比如粘合剂, 包装胶带, and plastic containers for use in daily life and throughout society.
From houses to restaurants and hotels, these help to create spaces with a 日本ese style. 采用精密的塑料加工技术, the feeling and moisture absorption of soft rush is maintained while achieving high functionality such as durability, 安全, 和丰富的混合颜色. 这些垫子能防螨虫和霉菌, 并且可以让过敏的人安心使用.
We offer 高性能集装箱 for medical and industrial fields.
广泛应用于建筑领域, 土木工程, 汽车内饰, 和工业材料的重量轻, 隔热, 缓冲, 可塑性, 不渗透性, 和耐用性, 其他特性. It is particularly useful for saving energy in everyday life as insulation, 防水, and anti-condensation material for building equipment and interior/exterior applications.
We offer a wide range of tapes which can be used for various applications depending on the base material. 除了, we also have environmentally friendly products which use fewer resources (by using recycled materials) and reduce waste.
这种胶粘剂是一种塑料树脂,能立即粘住. 它在室温下是固体,但加热后变成液体. 它以液体形式应用. It rapidly cools several seconds after pressure joining, enabling it to function as an adhesive.
This product uses plastic material waste (recycled container materials) and waste plastic. We have minimized our impact on the environment by using 100%* recycled materials. This was made possible by utilizing our original sandwich formation technology that sandwiches the recycled container materials (core layer) with recycled plastic (skin layer). (*不包括着色材料)
- 高性能塑料公司
- 高性能塑料公司核心网站
- 包装胶带
- 包装胶带及设备
- 泡沫
- 泡沫ing materials and sound insulating materials for housing and construction
- 压电式传感器
- 介绍革命性的新型压电装置
- Sekisui fuller株式会社.
- 粘合剂/密封材料
- Sekisui seikei公司.有限公司.
- 塑料榻榻米
The Minase 创新 Center is the base where you can get hints of solutions to your problems while enjoying our core techonologies and unique products.